
Posts Tagged ‘founders of coin internet’

The answer to the question is YES, a fellow by the name of Vinton G. Cerf, currently a Vice President at Google is widely considered by most as the father of what we know today as the internet.  Dr. Cerf lead the team that developed our governments communications network during the cold war era which then came to be what we know now as the internet. 

At Google he is responsible for identifying new enabling technologies and applications on the Internet and other platforms for the company.  Please use this link to Google to learn more about this extraordinary scientist.

In 2005, Dr. Cerf and co-inventor Robert Kahn received the highest civilian honor bestowed in the U.S., the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

These guys have meant a lot to coin collectors and most of us don’t have a clue who they are.  Roger Sibioni has written a nice paragraph or two on some of these early internet explorers that enable us numismatist to do what we do with such great ease.  It is well worth the read and if you are not familiar with the E-Sylum,  after reading this you might want to become a subscriber.

 Now we all know a bit more.

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